July Board Update

1024 576 The Point Owners Association, Inc.

A message from your POA Board…

“Whether you were able to enjoy time with your friends & family this 4th of July or watch a virtual fireworks show online… we hope everyone had a fun & safe Independence Day.”

As your POA Board, it is our responsibility to enforce the CCRs (Conditions, Covenants & Restrictions), which help protect and uphold the beauty of The Point. While it is not the most glamorous task, we send monthly reminders to all POA members regarding non-compliant issues because they are ongoing. As a community, we are equally impacted… from the visual aesthetics of our lawns & landscaping to the POA dues we pay each month for the maintenance (and repair) of POA property. We ask everyone to please take extra care to do your part for the betterment of our neighborhood. Unfortunately, this IS NOT a new topic. We have reminded residents on numerous occasions that Golf Carts are not permitted per our Rules & Regulations. We receive on-going reports of “close calls” involving golf carts pulling in front of moving vehicles. As a reminder, the vehicle has the right of way. If there is an accident involving a minor driving a golf cart, the PARENTS will be held liable (legally, it is the same thing as giving a child your car keys). Not only are golf carts dangerous, but they continue to cause extensive damage to POA property (resulting in repairs which must be paid with POA dues). Below are just a couple examples of current items requiring repair due to Golf Carts driving on and off the sidewalk down Brawley School Road. Repairs cost the POA several thousand dollars every year… an expense shared by ALL Point Residents.

We continue to receive reports of dumping (trash, yard debris and other household items) on empty lots and Common Space Areas. Needless to say, this is against the CCRs. Please report any such activity to Hawthorne Management and, if possible, provide the name of the individual and/ or company including the location in which the dumping took place. Milford Circle is one area under close watch.

The governing Rules and Regulations for The Point community require all garbage and recycle bins be kept in an enclosed area, out of sight from the street. These rules and regulations are in place in efforts to maintain consistency of a clean, well-kept neighborhood. Please take the time to ensure garbage and recycle bins are hidden, and not taking away from the general appearance of our community. Likewise, please be diligent in bringing your bins to the curb the evening before (or morning of) pick-up, and promptly bring them back to their stored location as soon as you are able.

We are pleased to announce the pet waste stations installed last year throughout our neighborhood are having a positive impact. However, pet waste is still an issue and we ask all pet owners to please be respectful by picking up after your pet and properly disposing of all waste. PLEASE NOTE, THE PET WASTE STATIONS ARE INTENDED FOR PET WASTE ONLY. We are seeing large items like pizza boxes and grocery bags filled with trash shoved in the containers. This is not the intent of these stations and kindly ask residents to please make use of the stations accordingly. Parents, please communicate this message to your children as well.SECURITY REMINDER:
Please keep in mind that criminals look for easy targets and other potential advantages particularly on holiday weeks/ times when many people travel.  Please keep your doors locked at all times, park vehicles in the garage or keep the doors locked, do not leave valuables in your vehicle, and keep garage doors closed, even during the day. If you have a home security system, turn it on when you are gone and also at night along with outdoor lights. Also, secure loose items on any boats or docks.

If you have a fire, medical or life-threatening emergency call 911. For all Sheriff, Fire or EMS non-emergencies call 704-878-3100. This is the direct line to dispatch and is the best number to call for the quickest response.

Our next Board meeting will be held at 9:00AM on August 18, 2020. If you wish to address the Board with relevant issues that apply to our community, please contact our management company at [email protected] or call 704-377-0114 by August 11th.

Your POA Board

Heather Ballard
Mike Barton
Linda Bundens
Jennifer Byrd
Donette Dewar-Black
Charlie Farrar
Jerry Kaufman


Brock Owen

All stories by: Brock Owen