Lake Living

The Point is located on a peninsula, and is traced by 18 miles of beautiful Lake Norman shoreline.

Lake Norman is consistently recognized on top ten lists as one of the most beautiful lakes in America.

Miles of Shoreline
Lots (750+ with homes)
Miles of Walking Trails
Acres of Greenspace

Neighborhood Factoids


Our community is a well-maintained, family-oriented neighborhood of 862 lots.


Our neighborhood has over 5 miles of walking trails. The walking trail in the Village area is the place to be for Trick-or-Treating on Halloween.


Outstanding public and private schools are conveniently located nearby.


Lake Norman is over 33 miles long and 8 miles wide, and has 520 miles of shoreline.


The water system that serves our neighborhood also serves The Harbour and The Farms. According to Utilities, Inc., the water system includes 42 miles of water mains, 34 wells, two water towers and several other water storage tanks. The typical well in the system is 800 to 1,300 feet deep, and pulls water from an underground aquifer (not from Lake Norman). On an average day in the summer (peak water usage), 1.2 million gallons of water are used by these neighborhoods. The water is chlorinated, and water from certain wells is softened.


Our superbly landscaped entrance roads and tree-lined streets are like none other in the area.


Our neighborhood is built around an 18 hole, Greg Norman designed professional golf course that is owned and operated by Trump National Golf Club Charlotte. All owners in The Point are required to be at least social members of the club.


Our local fire station is located just outside of the entrance to our neighborhood. It has state-of-the-art equipment, including a fire boat. EMS services are stationed at this location.


We enjoy convenient access to dining/shopping/health facilities in Charlotte, Statesville and Winston-Salem.


We are located in Iredell County, which has lower property taxes than other nearby counties.

Key Contacts

We have compiled a number of addresses, phone numbers and websites that you may find helpful.

Public Schools – Iredell/Statesville School District

Woodland Heights Elementary
Brawley Middle School
Mt. Mourne International Bacculareate School
Lake Norman High School

Charter Schools

Charter schools in North Carolina are considered public schools, but generally admission is through a lottery process.
Community School of Davidson
Langtree Charter Academy
Pine Lake Prep Charter School

Local Government

Chamber Of Commerce

Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce
Mooresville Chamber of Commerce
Statesville Chamber of Commerce


Fire and EMS coverage is a stones throw from our neighborhood’s entrance.
The Lake Norman Fire Department has 24/7 coverage and state-of-the-art equipment including a fire boat.

Emergencies 911

Animal Control  704-878-5424
Poison Control  800-222-1222
Iredell County
Iredell County Fire Marshall  704-878-3035
Iredell County Sheriff   704-878-3100  (use 911 for emergencies)
Lake Norman Fire Department   704-664-2468  (use 911 for emergencies)
Mooresville Public Library
North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (vehicle and driver registration)
North Carolina State Police Dispatch  828-466-5500


Power Outage Hotline:  800-POWER-ON

Duke Energy (Electricity)  704-777-9898
Exede Internet (Satellite Internet)  855-627-2553
Iredell County Solid Waste/Mooresville Station/Recycling Facility
Lake Norman Sanitation Services, Inc.
PSNC Energy (Gas)  877-776-2427
TCW Wastewater Management (Septic)  704-324-4145 or 800-941-4956
Think Green Recycle Services
Time Warner Cable (Telephone/Cable)  877-566-4892
Windstream Communications (Telephone)  704-663-4411
Utilities, Inc. (Water)  704-525-7990


Lake and golf course living present a myriad of opportunities for things to do, including power boating, sailing, swimming, golfing, playing tennis, walking on the private community walking trails, bicycling, playing soccer on our Village Green.  Our Neighborhood Activities Committee plans numerous year-round activities and social events for all ages. Numerous creative arts, museums and professional sport opportunities are available in the area.

Lake Norman Visitor Information

Visit Lake Norman

Arts & Museums

Actor’s Theatre of Charlotte
Blumenthal Performing Arts Center
Carolina Voices 
Central Piedmont Summer Theatre
Charlotte Symphony Orchestra
Charlotte Youth Ballet
Davidson Community Players
Energy Explorium at McGuire Nuclear Station
Moving Poets Theater of Dance
North Carolina Dance Theatre
Opera Carolina
Ovens Auditorium
Verizon Amphitheater


Mooresville is known as “Race City USA,” and several NASCAR teams and the NASCAR Technical Institute call the area home.

Carolina Panthers
Charlotte Bobcats
Charlotte Checkers
Charlotte Knights
Charlotte Motor Speedway